Top 20 Highest Paid Coaches in Europe 2016-2017

Aug 2, 2016

A research made by Finance Football shows that Pep Guardiola is the highest paid football coach in the world. There is no doubt about it. The Catalan will receive 18 million euros for each of the three-year contract with the Manchester City. And José Mourinho? Well…

‘The Special One’ is the new coach of City’s rivals Manchester United. Mourinho has an extensive experience in the Premier League and he will earn about 14.5 million euros per year in Manchester. He is on third on the list, after Carlo Ancelotti (Bayern Munich/15 million euros per season).

There are more surprises, though. Finance Foobtall’s ranking also reveals that English Premier League champion Claudio Ranieri is at the bottom of this list, with an annual wage of four million euros (the same as Allegri (Juventus), Lucescu (Shaktar) and Spaletti (Roma)).


Where is Zidane (Real Madrid) and Luis Enrique (Barcelona)? The French and the Spanish are on fifth and sixth of this ranking, respectively.

About Finance Football


Finance Football is a specialized site about financial and economic matters of football. All the data revealed by Finance Football is the output of an intensive and rigorous work of its contributors. Some of figures of “Top 20 Highest Paid Coaches in Europe 2016-2017” ranking were not officially confirmed.




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