Sponsorship Deals in Premier League 2019-2020

Sep 24, 2019

Premier League is by far the the world’s richest football competition. According to Deloitte, the top level of the English football league generates more than 5,4 billion euro in annual revenues. This means that, in average terms, each club earns roughly 272 million euro.

All these figures help us to understand why English teams dominated the European football last year — Liverpool and Tottenham have played the last Champions League final and Chelsea and Arsenal faced each other in Europa League final. In the end of the day, the English clubs are amongst the wealthiest in the world of football and this reflects on the field.

Shirt sponsorship deals play an important role in the finance of a club. In Premier League, the fact of being the most mediatic football league in the world means big contracts with sponsors. In total, shirt sponsors will generate 400 million euro.

Carmaker Chevrolet pays to Manchester United 72 million euro every season. It’s the most valuable shirt in Premier League, although red devils are losing some steam. The contract will end in 2021, but this is a special relationship: last transfer season media reported that Chevrolet could “finance” the sign of Neymar, in a 180 million euro deal.

Arsenal jersey shows the Emirates logo. The airline from Dubai pays 57 million euro per season to the gunners.

Chelsea, Manchester City and Tottenham have sponsorship deals of about 45 million euro with Yokohama, Etihad Airways and AIA, respectively. Surprisingly, Liverpool only appears in the 6th place in the ranking: Standard Chartered deal is worthed 36 million euros per season until the end of season 2022-2023.

Most of sponsors came from betting industry. There are 10 clubs (half of Premier League clubs) with sponsorship deals with betting companies: West Ham, Everton, Wolverhampton, Burnley, Crystal Palace, Newscastle, Watford, Aston Villa, Norwich City and Bournemouth.